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Hospital emergency staff treated to Christmas lunch

Monday 16 December 2024 | Written by CI News Staff | Published in Health, Local, National


Hospital emergency staff treated to Christmas lunch
A group of 30 emergency department staff and partners gathered for a festive buffet roast lunch and dessert, hosted by the gracious resort owners Dave, Bobbie and their daughter Elly Garner. SUPPLIED/24121505

The Rarotonga hospital’s emergency department staff and their partners were treated to a special Christmas lunch by the Crown Beach Resort and Spa a week ago on Sunday.

A group of 30 staff and partners gathered for a festive buffet roast lunch and dessert, hosted by the gracious resort owners Dave, Bobbie and their daughter Elly Garner.

Brent Fisher, an ambulance officer at Te Marae Ora, said the emergency department staff attending the lunch included doctors, emergency response nurses and fellow ambulance staff.

Fisher said the resort packed takeaway food for staff unable to attend the lunch due to work commitments.

“They decided to shout all the emergency department staff and we had a lovely roast lunch with dessert. This is the first time we had our annual get together sponsored, in the past either we paid for it or it was partly sponsored,” Fisher said.

“It was really nice to have this get together before we head into a busy festive season. Normally, we deal with bad situations at work that take a toll on our mental health, so it was nice to get together in a better situation over lunch.”
Fisher thanked their hosts and the Crown Beach Resort and Spa for putting on an awesome meal.

He said they were bracing for a busy festive season and urged people to take care during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

“We hope we have a safe festive season without any fatalities. Please be safe, don’t drink and drive and get someone to drive you home or have a Plan B. We are not looking for work this festive holiday.”