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Letter: Stop noisy speedsters on main road

Friday 8 November 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Stop noisy speedsters on main road

The decision to slow Avarua traffic to 30kph will be seen as welcome by most, maybe not so much by VIP's (Very Impatient People).

But with the presence of Police enforcing speed limit, perhaps our Officers can enforce the law as to vehicle noise?

Your readers may recall the public's attention being focused, prior to the 2023 South Pacific Forum Leaders Meeting, on the alarming number of motorcycles travelling through Avarua all day without mufflers or with mufflers deliberately modified to produce maximum noise. To the point that those walking, resting, working, hoping to enjoy a cup of coffee with friends, must, literally, stop talking until the noise moves on to spoil the next person;s right to reasonable peace and quiet.

And, those writing to your newspaper in 2023 suggested that the relief brought by Police enforcement was only carried out so that the Forum Leaders would not be subjected to the third-world lack of enforcement.

Well, that proves to be the case. The problem is at least twice as bad as pre-Forum. The hooligans know that there is no enforcement and power right through town, right in front of the Police station.

Noise police.