Tuesday 30 October 2012 | Published in Culture
The birth pains our region has been experiencing in the past two decades and how these have been managed by the Pacific leadership is nothing short of a miracle in the face of an extremely fast-changing global geo-political landscape.
Wednesday 24 October 2012 | Published in Culture
The Privy Council decision has not resolved the Ngati Raina’s “long-standing sense of injustice” concerning disputed Takitumu land, says the party’s lawyer Ross Holmes.
Thursday 18 October 2012 | Published in Culture
The future sailing plans for doubled-hulled voyaging vaka Marumaru Atua will be the main item of discussion at the Cook Islands Voyaging Society annual general meeting on October 23.
Saturday 13 October 2012 | Published in Culture
A new Samoan cultural group is aiming to create a sense of pride and passion for children born in the Cook Islands.
Tuesday 18 September 2012 | Published in Culture
Hikianalia, a new vaka moana, built to be the escort vaka for the Polynesian voyaging canoe Hokule’a during her worldwide voyage, has been launched and sails soon from Aotearoa to Hawai’i.
Wednesday 8 August 2012 | Published in Culture
The Te Maeva Nui grading system has meant that all competing teams that took to the stage this year received a portion of funds for their outstanding shows.