Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, If majority-rule applies with evolutionists towards their theory (because there are dissenters amongst them), Phil is correct saying that modern evolution takes us back to an amoeba-like ancestor, rather than mud. Even so, with no convincing examples of any species changing to other species, and with only changes within a species as evidence […]
Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, There is nothing confusing about my letter of Saturday March 28 in which I challenged all parties meaning the Evans, the Chittys, the Steadmans, the Wraggs and whoever else wants to join the debate (as they put it) to appropriate the answer ie the truth to man’s origin. Read my letter properly and […]
Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, According to your front page article on March 20, Sir Terepai pledges to run the Sunday flight referendum. You have quoted Sir Terepai saying that government will deliver the promised referendum on Sunday flights to Aitutaki. He further states that he is a man of his word, yet he cannot say when the […]