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7 December 2024

Church Talk


Letters to the Editor

Letter: What are we celebrating?

Dear Editor, In January 2024, a year ago now, on a beach at Mauke, two older teenaged girls kicked and bashed a younger teenaged girl with intellectual disabilities, while the third girl (friend of the other two) filmed it and put it on the internet.


Ruta Mave: Passport plan leaves Cook Islands vulnerable and isolated

Prime Minister Mark Brown’s passport proposal presents as more personal than from the people. He sounds like a spoilt teenager who has graduated from his ‘L’ plate to a full driver’s licence, declaring to his parents that he is all grown up now, and wants to be independent, writes Ruta Mave.

Letter: Embrace religious diversity

Dear Editor, I am a local hard-core atheist. I have lived in fear many years here for speaking out against Christianly for fear of persecution but I think it’s time to face my fears and speak out about my concerns, with this potential religious restrictions reform. I will not give up and take this message where ever it has to go.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘The Church of Us’

Charles Carlson’s thoughtful letter of 3rd December on what he calls, “ … harmful ideologies that threaten personal rights, national security, and the well-being of our people”, cites for example, “some teachings condone child marriages, with girls as young as six being married off under religious justification.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Brothers in arms

Dear Editor, As a proud Cook Islander and New Zealand citizen, I’ve often wondered why our people are not yet actively integrated into the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF).

Letters to the Editor


Now with all that fantastic God sent rain over the weekend, Rarotonga should have lots and lots of water stored up in the water intake tanks … those 10 x 2 million + litre storage tanks (totalling at least 20 million litres of water) would have been full within a few hours with those massive downpours so no doubt the public can be reassured by TTV that the immediate water drama is over, and we have plenty of water stored for the upcoming Christmas period.


What is a heathy relationship?

‘It Starts with Me’ is the theme of this year’s White Ribbon Campaign, promoting healthy, non-violent relationships. Te Punanga Ora'anga Matutu (Te POM), a men’s support and well-being centre, is supporting the 16 days of activism for the White Ribbon campaign, writes Te POM’s Rowena Manning.


Niki Rattle: A call for stronger human rights protections

National Human Rights Day is observed annually around the world on December 10. It commemorates the anniversary of one of the world’s most groundbreaking global pledges: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Cook Islands Ombudsman Office celebrates this International Human Rights Day by recognising what is being done to uphold the state obligations and continue to oversee what is yet to be achieved, writes Ombudsman Niki Rattle.


Letter: Ruta’s column

Dear Editor, I only know of the Cook Island News via the roving opinion pieces by Ruth Mave.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘Akamanako o’onu - think deeply!

Dear Editor, Reflection after reading ‘Deep-sea promotion, not consultation’, Monday, 25 November.

Letters to the Editor

Ruta Mave: White ribbon day is now

Anger is a sign of guilt. If you ask your partner if they are cheating on you and they explode in anger yelling, accusations and blaming you as having a problem without a definite reply, it’s often because they are guilty, writes Ruth Mave.



Dear Editor. The Government and TTV says, “it will bill the registered owners of the connection". What connection? Rarotonga has never had registered water connections before! How is the connection identified? Please, tell us.

Letters to the Editor

Thomas Wynne: Righteousness exalts a nation

This is part three on the writing and founding of our Cook Islands Constitution. By Thomas Wynne.


Vitues in Paradise: Best Holidays Ever!

Preparations for the holidays are now underway, and rellies are already arriving. We all start out with high hopes for a memorable and enjoyable family celebration, yet there are often disruptions that pop that bubble of hope, resulting in disappointment and disillusionment about the magic of the season, writes Linda Kavelin-Popov.


Smoke signal: Funding priorities

It would appear that the Prime Minister / Minister for Police is satisfied with the New Zealand funded Police staff retraining/ upskilling program…problem that the Minister does not appear to realise that the Police Force is still 30 to 40 personnel short, so clearly being so short staffed , they are unable to cover all the daily critical areas that Policing usually covers.


‘It Starts with Me’: Ending the cycle of violence

The 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence began last week. Te Punanga Oraanga Matutu’s Rowena Manning reflects on the campaign and White Ribbon Day, and the underlying causes of violence in our society, writes - Rowena Manning.


Letter: Take your rubbish home with you

Dear Editor, I am writing this letter with the hope that this letter reaches those who need to know. I am a very proud Tupapa Maraerenga resident who has lived in this village for most of my 62 years. My family has been a part of this village for over 70 years.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keeping catchment payments ‘above board’

Dear Editor, The To Tatou Vai (TTV) was scheduled to hold a workshop for the catchment committees (CC) last week. The catchment is the land above the Te Mato Vai water treatment plants; the land in the middle of island.

Letters to the Editor

Pet Talk: How to protect your pets and family from parasites

Cats and dogs are beloved companions, but when they roam freely, they are more exposed to parasites like fleas, intestinal worms, and, in dogs, heartworm disease, writes Dr Rose Hasegawa, medical director Te Are Manu Vet Clinic.


Letter: Fix it or shut it down

Dear Editor, “Rogue operator puts lives at risk”. If Cook Islands Tourism tells us one more time that they will get on top of this debacle at Avaavaroa we’ll put Tourism in the same space as the JP’s who say, “You’ve been in this Court 5 times now for drunk driving and this Court is almost to the point of thinking about putting you in jail”.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Balancing faith and freedom

Dear Editor, The Cook Islands is a beautiful nation founded on respect, Christian principles, values, and a commitment to protecting human rights.

Letters to the Editor

Ruta Mave: The fading virtue of loyalty

As I sit down to write this column, I ask myself what is loyalty? What does it really mean to people and do we have any anymore? Ruta Mave writes.


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