Dear Editor, In January 2024, a year ago now, on a beach at Mauke, two older teenaged girls kicked and bashed a younger teenaged girl with intellectual disabilities, while the third girl (friend of the other two) filmed it and put it on the internet.
Prime Minister Mark Brown’s passport proposal presents as more personal than from the people. He sounds like a spoilt teenager who has graduated from his ‘L’ plate to a full driver’s licence, declaring to his parents that he is all grown up now, and wants to be independent, writes Ruta Mave.
Turtle tracking through the use of photos to identify individual turtle movements around Rarotonga has continued for a second consecutive year.
The flow of heroin,cocaine,fentanyl and methamphetamines into Rarotonga is unmatched and these hard core drugs are taking a real foothold in the demise of many Cook Islanders and our society as a whole.
Pets have long been considered beloved members of the family, offering unconditional love and companionship. In recent years, scientific research has validated what pet owners have always felt: the positive impact of pets on mental health is profound.
The article in your Tuesday, 19 November edition (RAC to address mosque legality) raises a number of interesting issues.
E-communications between us and attendees at Monday night's government lead SBMA presentation to the Auckland Cook Islands community describes yet another, lop sided consultation, which also included misleading information.
Britain colonised my other country Aotearoa in the early 1840's. At that time Maori held sovereignty over land, sea and air. We are known by our tribal names and the area that we have sovereignty over.
Salam Alaykum which means peace be upon you all the way from Saudia Arabia. After 35 hours of flights travel and transit times I made it to my destination of Riyadh the site of the original capital city of the first state of Saudia Arabia over three hundred years ago, writes Ruta Mave.
I share Norman George’s concerns about the deeply troubling state of our Police Services under the current government, writes Tina Browne.
Our Ariki ceded our sovereignty in 1900 to a curious Great Britain and a sub-empire-building New Zealand colony for many reasons, and some suggest we should simply be grateful for this. Thomas Wynne writes.
Petrels, and not the petrol that you put in your car, are in fact a medium sized seabird known for spending the majority of their lives out at sea. They are A class fishing birds who skim over the waves with sharp turns in search of their next fishy feast.
“Kia orana, you are spot on sir!!” writes a smoke signaler in response to Thursday’s opinion piece ‘Copouts’ and destruction of police services’ penned by lawyer and former politician Norman George.
We have lawyer Brian Mason to thank.
Pastor Cargill is right, we have to be on the lookout for religious cults.
I did not know the level of Police services failures until I called at the Police Station about 10am two days ago on my business as a lawyer. Norman George writes.