Friday 27 December 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Church Talk, Features
Christmas is a time of joy and hope as we celebrate the birth of the Saviour. But His light wasn’t meant to shine only for a season; it’s a light we should carry with us every day.
Christmas is a time of joy and hope as we celebrate the birth of the Saviour. But His light wasn’t meant to shine only for a season; it’s a light we should carry with us every day.
Christmas celebrates Jesus, the Light of the World, who brings hope, love, peace, and salvation.
The star over Bethlehem marked His arrival, and His light continues to guide those who follow Him. This week, I’ve seen many homes decorated with colourful lights, and people sharing joy through songs and celebrations. Let’s remember that Christ’s light isn’t just for Christmas – it’s meant to fill our hearts and guide us all year long.
In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world. When we live by His teachings, serve others, and try to follow Him, we reflect His light to those around us. This is both a blessing and a responsibility. His light shines through our kindness, patience, service, and forgiveness. It’s not about grand gestures but about showing His love in everyday moments. In a world that can feel dark, Christ’s light offers hope.
When we reflect Christ’s light, we bring hope and joy to others. Our actions can comfort those who are struggling and share Christ’s peace. One of the best ways to reflect His light is through service. Christ taught us to love one another, and every act of kindness or service follows His example. As He said in Matthew 25:40, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
As we enter the New Year, let’s be more intentional about serving others –whether by helping a neighbour, listening to a friend, or giving to our community. No act of kindness is too small to matter. These actions reflect Christ’s light, brightening the lives of those around us and offering hope to a world that can feel dark. By following Christ’s example, we can be a beacon of love and guidance to those in need.
When we live by Christ’s teachings – choosing kindness over anger, compassion over judgment, and service over selfishness – we reflect His light and help push back the darkness. Let’s think about how we can reflect Christ’s light more fully this New Year.
Here are a few ideas:
1. Serve others: Look for ways to help those around you, whether it’s a neighbour or through volunteering. Small acts of service matter.
2. Share the Gospel: Share Christ’s love by inviting others to church or encouraging them with your testimony.
3. Cultivate Christlike attributes: Work on developing love, patience, kindness, humility, and forgiveness – qualities that reflect His light.
4. Let your light shine in your home: Treat each other with love and respect, teach the gospel, and encourage each other to follow Christ.
Brothers and sisters, let’s remember that Christ’s light isn’t just for Christmas. We can carry it with us all year through service, kindness, and love. As we do, we’ll draw closer to Christ and bring more peace and joy into our lives. I know that by reflecting His light, we can make the world brighter and feel His presence more fully in our lives.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.